About David ClickDavid is currently a stay-at-home Dad and primary caregiver for his physically-handicapped son, who lives with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. David is a Certified Professional Geologist with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology from Denison University and a Master of Science Degree in Geology from Bowling Green State University. He enjoys writing, hiking, swimming, and solving Sudoku. An avid sports and Dave Matthews fan, David, his wife, and their children, live in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Why I Wrote The Cave
I am often asked this question. Friends have wondered what inspired a geologist, sports fanatic, and huge Dave Matthews fan to write a book with strong religious themes and based in Jerusalem. A fair question, and I believe the answer lies in who I am and what I have observed over the years.
Like many geologists, I am inquisitive and have a strong desire for understanding our natural world. I also love history, and learning about our world and its people. I am a voracious newspaper reader and read (more like devour) the paper every day, front to cover. I cannot get enough information sometimes, and often supplement what I read through online news channels.
What I read of our world troubles me. I read of conflict happening everywhere, every day, and I am befuddled by how this phenomenon has not changed throughout human history. It also seems that, more times than not, world conflict is rooted in religious perspective. This is ironic because religion, the ideal that should bring peace and unite us, often brings conflict and divides us. I wanted to address this issue somehow.
Being a newspaper reader, it could be said that my views have been shaped by a liberally-biased media, a media that focuses too often on negative aspects of our world. Some have said that if I focus instead on the positive, if I turn away from the ugly, I would view the things differently. Perhaps. I read and enjoy every bit of positive news. But, to ignore the problems of our world, especially human conflict, does not make it go away. Instead, I believe conflict and its root causes should be examined and brought to light, so we can become a better world, so we can survive.
Hence, idea of The Cave was born. I started the journey by writing various thoughts about life and the world, thoughts on how our world can improve. A theme of human survival soon emerged from my writing, so I contemplated a scenario of survival. Because the idea of human survival and associated conflict was deeply rooted in religion, I looked towards perhaps the one of the most religious cities in the world – Jerusalem. I researched the city extensively and found a cave – Zedekiah’s Cave – located directly beneath the Old City of Jerusalem. An ideal setting. The pieces of the puzzle were now before me. I started to organize and outline my thoughts and soon The Cave took on a life of its own. The journey was exhilarating. I hope you enjoy the story and the message it conveys --- Live with Love..
Like many geologists, I am inquisitive and have a strong desire for understanding our natural world. I also love history, and learning about our world and its people. I am a voracious newspaper reader and read (more like devour) the paper every day, front to cover. I cannot get enough information sometimes, and often supplement what I read through online news channels.
What I read of our world troubles me. I read of conflict happening everywhere, every day, and I am befuddled by how this phenomenon has not changed throughout human history. It also seems that, more times than not, world conflict is rooted in religious perspective. This is ironic because religion, the ideal that should bring peace and unite us, often brings conflict and divides us. I wanted to address this issue somehow.
Being a newspaper reader, it could be said that my views have been shaped by a liberally-biased media, a media that focuses too often on negative aspects of our world. Some have said that if I focus instead on the positive, if I turn away from the ugly, I would view the things differently. Perhaps. I read and enjoy every bit of positive news. But, to ignore the problems of our world, especially human conflict, does not make it go away. Instead, I believe conflict and its root causes should be examined and brought to light, so we can become a better world, so we can survive.
Hence, idea of The Cave was born. I started the journey by writing various thoughts about life and the world, thoughts on how our world can improve. A theme of human survival soon emerged from my writing, so I contemplated a scenario of survival. Because the idea of human survival and associated conflict was deeply rooted in religion, I looked towards perhaps the one of the most religious cities in the world – Jerusalem. I researched the city extensively and found a cave – Zedekiah’s Cave – located directly beneath the Old City of Jerusalem. An ideal setting. The pieces of the puzzle were now before me. I started to organize and outline my thoughts and soon The Cave took on a life of its own. The journey was exhilarating. I hope you enjoy the story and the message it conveys --- Live with Love..