Understand time’s availability when you consider writing. It's plentiful yet precious. It's vast yet fleeting. That’s why you must seize every moment you can to advance your story. Somehow. Jot down ideas in a journal. Research and explore your story’s location, setting, or characters. Race to the computer at the oddest hours to capture a thought. Most of all, be happy with a word, sentence, or paragraph. Be joyous of writing a scene. Do back flips when you complete a chapter. You can imagine the feeling when your story is complete.
Simply, writing takes time. There is no way around it. The written word is accompanied by researching, outlining, and editing. Along for the ride are publishing, marketing, and platforming. Know that each part demands your time and respect. Also know that each part is understanding and willing to work with you. They know what it takes. The key is to advance your story. Anytime, anywhere, anyhow.
One excuse I have often heard is “I would love to write, but I just don’t have the time.” Pardon me, but that’s hogwash. Nobody has time as they imagine. You do have, however, pieces of time. Simply, if you want to write, then write. Because, ANY progress is good progress. Soon, you will be deep into your story and, before you know it, your story will be told. Just like that.
It’s magical.